Nickel Refinery, MADAGASCAR

STEBBINS was chosen to execute the biggest masonry lining project for hydrometallurgical pressure vessels in the world. STEBBINS completed this project involving design, supply, and installation of linings for twenty-eight (28) vessels including two large lined atmospheric vessels. The project completed ahead of schedule with an impressive zero Lost Time Injury (LTI).


Pressure vessels


STEBBINS successfully completed a total of 31 leach tanks and 8 thickeners on the 160k and 320k expansions at a plant in Peru. Our crew peaked at 190 workers for these multi-item projects while maintaining the highest degree of quality with zero LTI after 515,385 man-hours of work. 



Reinforced concrete tile tank


STEBBINS performed an analysis on the conditions that would be present in the SO2 recovery unit to find the optimal lining needed. The lining was installed and underwent extremely aggressive service conditions. The acid also contained very high concentrations of chlorides and fluorides. A letter of recognition from the Client was given to STEBBINS recognizing the high quality and safety standards achieved during the project.

Vessel fabrication


Major abrasion and corrosion of the steel shells of the Agitated Slurry Storage Tanks occurred after four years of operation. Due to steel bolt connections, rubber was not a viable lining technology. A reinforced ceramic lining was designed and installed by STEBBINS. STEBBINS’ linings were installed successfully over an eight-week construction period.


Corrosion resistant lining


STEBBINS completed the design and installation of the project for this extremely remote project site. The field construction of the multi-item project finished in just under six months with a crew of 100 workers. STEBBINS’ scope included interconnecting tank launders, agitator/rake support and tank internal baffles/upcomers.


Insulated block concrete tanks

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